Terms and Conditions: Copyright © 2025 Blue Dragonfly Life LLC, dba Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute, Blue Dragonfly Life ™, Blue Dragonfly Life, Maiya Katherine, Author Maiya Katherine. All rights reserved. World rights reserved. This course/program/website/speech/content/publication may not be reproduced, copied, duplicated, and/or transferred for any reason in perpetuity without written permission from the product author/creator and copyright holder. No part of this publication, recording, posting, or document may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise for profit without prior written permission from: Blue Dragonfly Life LLC, which can be reached at [email protected].
Additional Terms and Conditions:
Event Standard Terms and Conditions.
This document contains the terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) which govern and apply to the undersigned’s participation in any event, retreat, life coaching, group coaching, coaching, training, workshop, symposium, or one-on-one coaching conducted, delivered, or produced by Blue Dragonfly Life LLC, dba as Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute and its affiliates, (collectively, the “Training”). You must agree to these Terms and Conditions on the Course/Event/Training’s sales page, (by checking the related box), before you are allowed to participate in the training or in any other event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching conducted, delivered, or produced by The Company. For the purposes of this document, the training participant shall be referred to as “you” or in the possessive as “your”. Blue Dragonfly Life LLC dba Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute and Blue Dragonfly Life ™, its owners, and its affiliate entities shall be referred to collectively as the “Company”.
Once you submit to the Company your request to participate in any of the company’s Trainings, Talks, or any events, your seat at the Training is reserved exclusively for you. As a result, and due to limited seating at the Training, the Company may have to turn away others who desire to attend the Training, as well as the Company begins to incur costs based on your reservation, such as printing materials, blocking out the time for trainers and consultants, paying to hold a block hotel rooms, and other costs. Therefore, the following policies will be strictly enforced:
- Payment in Full Required unless a payment plan option is offered: For you to attend any aspect or element of the Training, all tuition, fees, and any other costs of the Training you owe must be paid in full before the initial commencement date of the Training. If all tuition, fees, and costs owed by you are not paid in full before the initial commencement date of the Training, you will not be allowed admission or participation in any aspect or element of the Training, and any partial tuition, fees, and costs paid by you will be forfeited and fully earned by the Company.
- Cancellation/Refund: Notwithstanding the immediately prior section, if you wish to cancel your order to participate in the Training and receive a refund of any tuition, fees, and costs paid by you, you must cancel your order within Fifteen (15) days of the date you submitted your order for the Training by sending the Company written notice specifying your wish to cancel and such written notice must (i) clearly identify who you are, (ii) identify the Training program you are cancelling, include proof of completed assignments to date, and (iii) be sent either via an email to [email protected]. Any other methods to communicate your intent to including, but not limited to social media, are not valid. After ten (15) days from the date you submitted your order for the Training, you are not entitled to a refund if you attempt to cancel or if you fail to attend the Training. For a proper cancellation received by Company pursuant to the terms of this section, any refund, if one is due, will be processed by the Company within 60 calendar days of the date the proper cancellation notice was received by the Company. If any bonus items were bundled with your purchase of the Training (such as free attendance at another workshop), then the cost of any bonus items given to you which you used, consumed, or retained (plus shipping costs) shall be deducted from the refund. Upon a proper cancellation pursuant to this section, you must return any and all physical materials provided to you by the Company in connection with the Training, if applicable, before the Company will issue your refund. Your failure to return all physical materials within 10 calendar days of your date of cancellation will result in your refund being cancelled.
- Deferment: For IN-PERSON OR LIVE ONLINE TRAININGS ONLY: You are permitted a one-time deferment so you may defer or postpone your attendance at the Training from its originally scheduled date(s) for you to attend the same or other Company events, retreats, training, workshops, symposiums, or coaching which will occur in the future at a different commencement date. To be eligible for a deferment, the Company must receive your written request for your deferment before the originally scheduled commencement date for the Training. Your deferment request need not specify at the time submitted what other event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching you wish to attend in the future. If your written deferment request is received by the Company more than 15 calendar days before the initial commencement date of the Training, the deferment is subject to a deferment fee equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the regular tuition and costs set by the Company for the Training. If your written deferment request is received by the Company less than 15 calendar days before the initial commencement date of the Training, the deferment is subject to a deferment fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the regular tuition and costs set by the Company for the Training. For all properly submitted deferment requests, the deferment fee shall be paid by you, at your election, either separately or, if you previously paid any tuition for the Training, you may have the Company offset the deferment fee against any tuition and costs previously paid by you, and the balance of any tuition and costs after deducting the deferment fee shall be applied toward a future Company event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, coaching, or product. The balance, if any, of the remaining tuition and costs you have paid after deducting the deferment fee must be used and applied by you within twelve (12) consecutive months commencing on and following the date you submitted to the Company your initial request to attend the original Training, and such balance may be used and applied by you only to offset the tuition, fees, and costs of a Company event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, coaching, or product. Any future event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching you elect to attend in lieu of the initial Training, and any balance of deferred funds applied by you, is no longer subject to another deferment or postponement. Failure to utilize and apply the balance of any deferred funds, or failure to attend any subsequently scheduled event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching, within 12 consecutive months commencing on and following the date you submitted to the Company your initial request to attend the original Training will result in your loss of being able to attend any future deferred Company event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching and a loss of any tuition, fees, and costs paid by you.
- No Reimbursement of Other Costs: Whether you attend, fail to attend, cancel, or defer the Training, or whether the Training is rescheduled or postponed due to events outside the control of the Company, under no circumstances is Company liable or obligated to reimburse you for any costs, expenses, or fees you may have incurred with third parties in connection with your plans to attend the Training, including travel costs, rental cars, lost wages, or lost business opportunities.
You understand you are participating in an informational program that is delivered in a group and/or generalized format. Neither all of the materials and information provided, nor all the methods discussed, will be completely applicable to you, your particular business, or your personal situation. You acknowledge that Blue Dragonfly Life, LLC, its owners, trainers, representatives, and the Company are not, and cannot be, aware of all the particulars surrounding you, your business, your profession, or your personal situation. Therefore, you understand it is solely up to you to adapt, modify, and apply the materials and information you receive at, or in connection with, the Training to your own situation as you solely deem appropriate. You also understand that the materials and information you receive at, or in connection with, the Training will not be all, or the only, information that exists on the subjects discussed at the Training, but it is information intended to complement, amplify, and/or supplement your existing knowledge and perhaps result in you, at your sole decision, looking for additional information which you deem beneficial. You understand that certain informational aspects of the Training may assist you in your own introspective analysis of yourself and your character. In the process of this Training, you may reach your own new realizations about your own character and personality, and perhaps about others. However, you fully understand that such introspective analysis, conclusions, and realizations are conducted solely by you, and the Company is not providing or practicing any type of psychological or psychiatric therapy or counseling. The Company is not responsible for or liable in any manner for any personal analyses, conclusions, or results you derive in connection with the Training or from any materials and information you receive in connection with the Training.
C- NO MEDICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, LEGAL, TAX, OR ACCOUNTING ADVICE. The Training and all materials, information, and concepts in connection with the Training are purely for general informational purposes only and (a) are not any type of specific treatment, therapy, or diagnosis for any medical, physical, mental, psychological, or emotional aspects or issues you or others may or may not have, (b) are not any type of legal, tax, accounting, or financial advice, and (c) are not a substitute or replacement for professional medical, psychological, emotional, legal, tax, accounting, or financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment, all of which you need to separately obtain on your own from professionals of your own choosing regarding your own specific circumstances.
D- NO IMPAIRMENT PREVENTING PARTICIPATION IN THE TRAINING: By signing up for and electing to participate in the Training, you represent and warrant that you understand and are aware of the type and nature of the Training and you have no physical or psychological impairment that will prevent you from participating in the Training, including travelling to the Training location and venue.
E- NO PROMISES YOU WILL ACHIEVE GREATER FINANCIAL OR PERSONAL SUCCESS: The Company does not make any express or implied promises, warranties, or guarantees that your participation in the Training or following any materials or information you receive in connection with the Training will result in (a) you achieving any particular level of personal, financial, or professional success, goals, or improvements you might desire or (b) you recovering any of the tuition, deposits, fees, and other costs (such as travel or lodging) you incurred to participate in the Training.
F- CHANGES IN TRAINING CONTENT AND RESCHEDULING: The Company may, in their sole discretion, change, delete, add to and/or substitute the informational content, materials, and/or delivery method of the Training at any time to something other than what is described in the Training marketing materials found on the Company website or as otherwise conveyed to you, and may substitute any coach, speaker, or consultant who was originally scheduled to attend the Training, without refunding any amounts paid by you. The Company also may reschedule all or any portion of the Training, as well as change the date, location/venue, and/or delivery method of the Training, due to speaker illness or any act or event outside the control of the Company (a.k.a. force majeure, which includes severe weather, earthquakes, eruptions, other severe acts of nature, labor strikes, civil unrest, war, terrorism, disease or medical epidemics, pandemics or outbreaks, government mandates, and security concerns) without giving you any refund of amounts you paid, provided the Training is rescheduled to commence within twelve (12) months of the date the Training was last scheduled to commence.
G- REMOTE TRAINING: At the Company’s sole election, some or all aspects of the Training might be conducted remotely, a.k.a. virtually, whereby you do not participate in person, but through video and/or audio access while you are in a location different from where the Training presenters and speakers are located. If you participate in remote Training, it is your responsibility to ensure that the location where you participate is private, isolated from other people, and free from distractions, including being away from family members, not being in any public area, and not engaged in other activities such as supervising family members or doing household chores. The effectiveness of the Training and the personal goals you expect to achieve through the Training will be greatly impaired if you participate remotely while distracted by other people or activities. All terms in this document apply equally to remote Training, including your obligations to keep all elements of the Training confidential and all prohibitions on making any audio and/or video recordings. You are prohibited from allowing any other person to be present with you and participate in or observe the remote Training, and you are strongly cautioned not to participate in the remote Training while operating any vehicle or machinery. Movement and noise in the background at your remote location also will be an inappropriate and disruptive distraction to the Training presenters and others who may be participating in the remote Training, and it will not be tolerated. Background movement, noise, distractions, and the presence of others at your remote location which the Company deems disruptive and interfering with the Training may result in your immediate termination from the Training without reimbursement to you of any monies paid and will void your ability to defer the Training as provided elsewhere in this document.
H- TWELVE MONTHS TO USE ALL TRAINING: You must attend the Training you have submitted a request to attend, including any one-on-one coaching services and any deferred Training pursuant to section 1.c. above, and you must utilize all tuition, fees, and costs you have paid the Company, if any, in connection with the Training, within twelve (12) consecutive months commencing on and following the date you submitted to the Company your initial request to attend the original Training or you will lose the ability to attend any future deferred Company event, retreat, training, workshop, symposium, or coaching and you will forfeit any tuition, fees, and costs paid by you. This twelve-month forfeiture period does not apply to any Training that has been rescheduled or postponed by the Company pursuant to section 6 above if such rescheduled or postponed Training will occur beyond the twelve-month forfeiture period.
I- YOU CONSENT TO THE COMPANY RECORDING THE TRAINING (For In-person or Live Online Training): The Company has the right to record audio, video, and/or photograph all or any portion of the Training including group participation sessions, which includes the right to record, document, copy, or otherwise memorialize conference calls, zoom calls, social media posts, and other forms of communication, both oral and written, between Company representatives and anyone participating in the Training (collectively, “Recordings”). You understand that these Recordings may include audio, video, and/or photographs of you as well as oral, written, and/or electronic communications in which you participate. You irrevocably consent in perpetuity to the Recordings being made, to the Company’s unrestricted use of the Recordings, and to the Company’s use of your name, image, likeness, photograph, appearance, city and state of residence, professional designation, or occupation, as well as your oral or written statements, testimonials, and content, whether written or electronic, and whether in whole or in part, in connection with the Recordings. You irrevocably and forever waive and relinquish any and all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, and any other right of any type or nature in the Recordings, including your right of privacy, and you irrevocably and forever authorize and consent to the Company’s use of the Recordings, in whole or in part, in all forms of media, whether now known or hereafter invented, throughout the universe, for any educational, promotional, and/or commercial use or application. The Company has no obligation to compensate you or provide you with credit in any manner for the use of any Recordings. The Company has no obligation to use your name, image, likeness, photograph, identity, or any statements made by you, whether such use is in connection with the Recordings or for any other purpose, nor is the Company obligated to show you any Recordings or obtain any further consent or approvals from you to use the Recordings. The Company has a policy that no participants in the Training are permitted to take their own photographs, videos, or audio recordings which include any other participants, whether during a Training session or during activities ancillary to the Training. Although the Company has this policy, you understand the Company has no legal obligation to prevent participants from violating this policy and the Company is not liable in any manner to you for photographs, videos, or audio recordings made by other participants in violation of this policy. As used in this document, the term Recordings includes any derivative works or materials based on or from the Recordings.
J- PARTICIPANTS PROHIBITED FROM MAKING OWN RECORDINGS: You are prohibited from making or taking any photographs, screen captures, video recordings, and/or audio recordings during any part of the Training (including any remote Training) which will record, capture, or otherwise retain the image and/or voice of any other participant, speaker, presenter, or moderator during the Training or during ancillary activities surrounding the Training without first obtaining the affirmative consent of each and every person recorded or captured. Failure to abide by this policy and prohibition will subject you to liability and to having your continued participation in the Training immediately terminated without any refund or any tuition, fees, or other costs you paid or incurred to attend the Training.
K- YOUR PARTICIPATION MAY BE TERMINATED: The Company reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Training, including any remote Training, if the Company determines, in its sole discretion, that you have acted or are acting in a disorderly, disruptive, socially offensive, threatening, or dangerous manner. In such case, the Company will notify you of your termination which will be effective immediately upon your receipt of notification, which may be orally or in writing, and all rights and permissions for you to participate in, and/or remain at, any portion of the Training is immediately revoked. If the Training is currently in progress when your termination occurs, you must immediately leave the auditorium or venue where the Training is taking place, and your failure to immediately leave will result in you being a trespasser present without permission. If you are participating in the Training remotely, the Company will immediately terminate your connection to the Training. Should a termination occur per this section, the Company has no obligation to refund to you any tuition, fees, costs, or other amounts you have paid Company in connection with the Training, and all such amounts will be deemed fully earned by the Company, nor does Company have any obligation to reimburse you for any costs and expenses you incurred with third parties to attend the Training, including transportation and lodging costs. Also, in the event of such a termination, you are obligated to return to Company all bonus items you may have received in connection with your purchase of the Training, and all permissions and rights for you to receive or use any of the bonus items in the future is immediately revoked. If you have used or consumed any of the bonus items prior to the date of termination, or if you refuse to return any unused bonus items within 30 calendar days of the termination date, you are obligated to pay Company the cost of all bonus items used, consumed, or retained, and the Company has the right to charge you the full cost of such bonus items. A termination pursuant to this section will immediately void any ability to defer the Training that was terminated.
L- NO LIABILITY FOR THIRD PARTY SERVICES OR EMERGENCY SERVICES: You understand that the Training and all the Company’s events may involve independent third parties who provide transportation, event venues, sleeping accommodations, food, beverages, and other services or products (“Third-Party Providers”). The Company is not liable in any manner for any services or products provided by Third-Party Providers. The Company also is not liable or obligated in any manner to provide you or your personal belongings with security or protection when you attend the Training or any other Company event, including during your travel to or from the Training or other event. You are solely responsible for your own security and the security of your personal belongings during any time you travel to, from, or during attendance at the Training or any other Company event. If the Training or other Company event is held outside the United States, you are responsible to know and fully comply with all visas, passport, and travel restrictions and requirements imposed at the location of the Training or other event. The Company is under no obligation to provide you any emergency assistance or to assist you in traveling to the United States, to another country, or to a specific location within the United States in the event of an emergency, even if you provided the Company with contact information for family, friends, or other persons should you experience an emergency.
M- COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS: The Company owns all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, in all the materials, handouts, information, course content, syllabi, data, presentations, graphics, slides, images, photographs, and videos used in connection with the Training, or if not owned by Company then Company has specifically licensed its use, and you do not have the right to copy, duplicate, disseminate, publicize, post in/on any form of social media, or use for any commercial purpose (including in connection with marketing your own business) any of the materials, handouts, information, course content, syllabi, data, presentations, graphics, slides, images, photographs, and videos, whether in whole or in part, which you receive, observe, or hear in connection with the Training. The Company also is the sole owner of the Company’s name, logos, trademarks, tradenames (including the name of any Training program), as well as has exclusive use and control over the name and likeness of the training's creator, author and owner dba Author Maiya Katherine, Maiya Katherine, businesses, and affiliates, and you are not permitted to use any of the foregoing without the express prior written consent of the Company.
N- YOUR AGREEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: You understand that the Training, although conducted in a group environment, is private and not freely open to the public. You also understand that a part of the Training and workshop process involves people sharing information in a group setting while such information is considered private and confidential by the person sharing, including personal information, personal stories, data, business plans, concepts for new products and services (“Confidential Information”). You must keep the Confidential Information confidential at all times, and you may not disclose any such Confidential Information to any third parties for any reason, including the public, news media, on social media, or to any party whether for pecuniary gain or not. This obligation of confidentiality applies equally to any Training you participate in remotely. Your obligation of confidentiality and non-disclosure excludes any information which: (a) is or becomes generally known to the public through no act of your own; (b) is obtained by you from a third party who is not also bound by this confidentiality obligation; or (c) is required to be disclosed by law, regulation, a valid court, or a government agency.
O- TRAINING RECEIVED AS A BONUS: If your participation in the Training is the result of a bonus or other accommodation you received from the Company and you are not required to pay the regular tuition set by the Company for participation in the Training, all terms of this document nonetheless continue to apply in full to the Training and any bonus or accommodation programs, training, materials, or services you received, including all restrictions on deferring the Training and the requirement to pay fees for deferring or postponing the Training.
P- THIS DOCUMENT DESCRIBES YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING: This document, and any purchase orders with the Company authorized by you which specify tuition, pricing, and amounts owed, (whether signed physically or electronically authorized by you) constitute your entire agreement and complete understanding you have with the Company regarding the Training. You acknowledge that no representation or promise not expressly contained in this document regarding the Training has been made to you, and you are not relying on any representation, warranty, or agreement not contained in this document. The terms and conditions in this document may be amended only by a writing signed by both you and the Company, and no employee or representative of the Company may orally modify or amend any of these terms and conditions. You represent and warrant that you have the full right and authority, without the need for consent of any third party, to sign this document and grant all the rights herein granted. You understand that the Company’s website has a privacy policy and terms of use regarding the use of that website, and such privacy policy and terms of use are separate and distinct from the terms and conditions in this document regarding the Training.
Q- INDEMNITY. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Blue Dragonfly Life LLC, Blue Dragonfly Life ™, and it's owner/operating officer dba Author Maiya Katherine, Maiya Katherine, the Company, and all the Company’s directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents, and attorneys from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, and expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, fees and the costs of enforcing this indemnity, arising out or in any manner in connection with your conduct and actions, whether such conduct and actions were intentional, negligent, or otherwise.
R- VENUE, CHOICE OF LAW, ARBITRATION, DAMAGES: This document shall be governed and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New Jersey without the application of any conflict of law principles. The sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue applicable to any disputes arising between you and the Company shall be Hudson County, New Jersey, United States. You voluntarily agree to the foregoing venue, jurisdiction, and choice of law, and you waive the right to any other choice of law, venue, or jurisdiction, regardless of your country of citizenship, regardless of your country of residence, and regardless of the location where this document was executed by you. If you institute, commence, maintain, or otherwise bring any action against Company outside Hudson County, New Jersey, United States, you will be responsible for all legal fees and expenses incurred by Company to remove such action to the appropriate jurisdiction and venue of Hudson County, New Jersey, United States. Other than as provided in the immediately prior sentence, the prevailing party in an action between you and the Company shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees, costs, and expenses, in addition to any other award. Any disputes arising between you and the Company shall be resolved by binding arbitration in Hudson County, New Jersey, and the parties waive any entitlement to have such disputes decided by a court or a jury. If you prevail in any action against the Company, the extent of monetary damages for which the Company can be obligated to pay is limited to the total amount of tuition, fees, and costs which you have actually paid to the Company (excluding any amounts paid to the Company but subsequently reversed via a chargeback process and excluding any costs and expenses you may have paid to third parties in connection with attending the Training). All references in this section to “Company” shall include Blue Dragonfly Life, LLC dba Author Maiya Katherine, Maiya Katherine, Blue Dragonfly Life ™, Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute, and all board members, officers, and employees of Company. All references to “actions” shall include mediation, arbitration, formal court proceedings, any administrative or tribunal hearings, and any other type of proceeding to enforce a party’s rights.
S- MISCELLANEOUS: The Company has the right to assign any or all its rights hereunder to any person, firm, or entity. You do not have the right to assign or transfer your seat or participation in the Training without the Company’s prior written approval, which may be granted or denied at the Company’s sole discretion. Headings used in this document are for convenience only and in no way define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of any clause, section, or provision. This Agreement may be executed in person, electronically online, or by facsimile, and any of these methods shall be binding and serve as an original copy. In the event any language or provision in this document shall be (a) held by any court, arbitration, or tribunal to be unenforceable, or (b) in conflict with any applicable statute, law, regulation, then such provision shall be of no force or effect; provided, however, in such event the particular language or provision so affected shall be curtailed and limited only to the minimum extent necessary to permit compliance and enforceability, and all other language and provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The word “including” when followed by certain specified items is not intended as an all-inclusive list but is merely showing some items included within the prior more general statement. By checking the box next to the phrase: “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this page as follows:”, located on the training online sales page, you acknowledge you have obtained our terms and conditions and you have read, understood, and agreed with all the above terms and conditions.
Privacy policy
Our Company respects the privacy of visitors to this website. Your personal information is only collected, used, and disclosed by Blue Dragonfly Life LLC dba Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute, Blue Dragonfly Life ™, and its operating officer/proprietor/owner, dba Author Maiya Katherine, Maiya Katherine authormaiyakatherine.com, bluedragonflylife.com, https://blue-dragonfly-life.mykajabi.com/, blue-dragonfly-life.mykajabi.com, and all owned sites (hereinafter “The Company”) in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time and for any reason. An up-to-date policy will always appear on this website. Personal information is any information about an identifiable individual, such as contact details and usernames/passwords. Aggregate information that cannot be associated with a specific individual, such as the number of newsletter subscribers we serve, is not personal information. You can visit us on the Internet without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. We only collect your personal information when you specifically and knowingly provide it on our Web site.
If you do provide any of the information asked for on this site, you are expressly consenting to and have knowledge of the collection, use and disclosure of this information, as identified in this Privacy Policy.
If you have any concerns about this policy, or feel that the Company is not abiding by this policy, please write or send an e-mail message to:
Privacy Policy Information
c/o Blue Dragonfly Life LLC
[email protected]
The Company collects and uses your information for the following purposes:
- To respond to your requests for further information about our web content management system and web services or products;
- To register individuals to our mailing list, email campaigns, or newsletter;
- To provide vendors and customers with reliable and quality support; and
- To meet legal and regulatory requirements.
When subscribing to our newsletters, email campaigns, you must provide us with your e-mail address in order for us to send our newsletters to you.
If you're filling out the Contact Us form or Request a Quote and you want to find out more about our services, we also require you to provide us with your name and contact information, in order for us to personalize our communications with you.
THIRD-PARTY COOKIES: We may utilize third-party services for visitor traffic reporting and analytics. It is your right to block these third-party cookies by utilizing your in-browser settings and tools as well as any of the official partners for opt-out and target blocking.
The Company collects certain technical information from your computer's Web browser or Internet device when you visit us on the Internet. This information includes the amount of time spent on the site by a visitor with a unique Internet identifier, the pages visited and returned to, the operating system, and web browser used, the referring website and any keywords used to find our site on a search website. These server logs do not contain any personal information and can only be accessed by the Company. Server log files are used solely to track visits to our website and improve the experience, content, and layout of our site.
Anyone can browse our websites with cookies turned off, some features related to personalized content and experience may be limited by cookie rejection.
The personal information you provide to us through our site may be disclosed to reseller partners. We do not sell, trade or share any of your personal information with any other third-party organizations. We will release personal information when we believe such release is appropriate in order to comply with the law; for example, if we receive a subpoena or court order.
If you have subscribed to our newsletters or email campaigns, or asked us to email you information, your e-mail address and other information that you have provided to us is kept as long as you are a subscriber. Your organization and personal information will be kept in our web server database - until you unsubscribe or ask for your information to be removed.
In the event that you choose to unsubscribe from emails or newsletter(s), your information will be immediately deleted from our database, and you will no longer receive any information from the company.
We rely exclusively on the information provided by Web site users and subscribers, and will not seek independent verification of any of the information supplied. Thus, a newsletter subscriber or someone awaiting a response to a request for information is responsible for letting us know if their e-mail address has changed.
Please read the terms and conditions above carefully as they govern the use of all websites we operate and the terms and condition of our website hosting companies.
All material contained within the following websites are covered by the terms and conditions laid our above and are protected by copyright laws: Blue Dragonfly Life LLC dba Blue Dragonfly Life Transformation Institute, Blue Dragonfly Life ™, Author Maiya Katherine, Maiya Katherine, and its operating officer/proprietor/owner, authormaiyakatherine.com, bluedragonflylife.com, https://blue-dragonfly-life.mykajabi.com/8stepwritingcourse, blue-dragonfly-life.mykajabi.com and any other owned sites.
Access to these websites are subject to the following conditions:
No part of these website, including information, images, logos, photos, and overall appearance of the site, may be copied, republished, broadcast or reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior written permission of the copyright holders except for your own personal or non-commercial use.
All product names and their respective logos are trademarks of the Company. All other trademarks and logos used in this website are the trademarks or logos of their respective owners.
Our websites may contain links to other websites that are operated by third parties. The Company does not accept any liability over the content of these third-party sites. The existence of these links does not constitute an endorsement of such websites, and your linking to these sites is at your own risk.
While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of content, no responsibility can be taken for any error or omission.
We do not guarantee that access to this website will be uninterrupted, that this website will be free from viruses or that this website cannot be tampered with by third parties. This website and the information are provided on an 'as is' basis, with no warranties of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties or any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use of this website and the information is entirely at the user's sole risk. In no event will the Company or any individuals posting content on these sites be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to this website. Your sole and exclusive remedy for dissatisfaction with this website and/or information is to stop using the site and the information.