Maiya Katherine is a #1 best-selling author, transformational speaker, spiritual teacher, wellness coach, podcaster, and book-writing coach.


Although she ventured into the business world after college, she eventually decided to follow her life purpose of guiding others to align with their Highest Frequency and Inner Divine Energy. Her platform's motto is: Heal and Transform your life from the Inside, Out.


Since publishing her first book in September 2021, she has spoken at various events including International being an International Keynote speaker. Her speaking engagements also include talks at various universities, spirituality-centered events, mindset programs, mental health podcasts, corporate programs, teen workshops and many other events. She continues to develop workshops, speeches, programs and courses to help others heal their hearts, follow their life purpose, and create abundant and fulfilling lives.


"I stand for people who refuse to let past events dictate their future, dim their Inner Joy, and weaken their inner power. I stand for those who know that they deserve to experience joy, passion, fulfillment, peace, love and purpose, regardless of what they did, what they've experienced or what they've endured. My journey shows thatĀ you can heal after hardship, and also transform your life to enjoy the fulfillment, joy, abundance, and inner peace that you deserve... and you deserve it all...ā€¯Ā 

(Maiya Katherine)