Re-Ignite the Power and Abundance of the Nature within, the Cosmos within, and the Divine within. 

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe and transformational place to dig deep and nurture your Inner Self.


Most would describe me as an Author, Mother, Spiritual Teacher, Rescue Dog Advocate, and Entrepreneur. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we truly deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic passion, fulfillment, and confidence.

It's time to live in your Highest Frequency.

 If you feel like you've accomplished a lot in your life but don't feel passionate and fulfilled about where you are now and where you are going, you're not alone.

Many adults feel like they are falling short of living their best lives and feel disheartened and discouraged in their lives.

Can you relate? If yes, here's the good news: You are capable of shifting your reality by re-aligning your perspective, mindset inner emotional core, and belief system.

Our programs, coaching, and courses focus on assisting you with De-Programing your mind of disempowering conditioning, and Resetting it with Higher Divine Frequencies and Paradigms which will help you attract Abundance in all areas of your life.

With interactive lessons for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to reclaim your Inner Divine Essence and Energy, Heal Emotional Blocks holding you down, and reconnect with the passion, joy, and inner peace that is just waiting to be unleashed from within you.

It's time to embody your Inner Divine Power, Peace, Gifts, and Abundance. You are so worth it!




Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and inside you, and align yourself to the frequency of your Higher Self. In this Masterclass we'll teach you how to:

  • Identify any disempowering subconscious beliefs that may be blocking you from reaching your highest frequency
  • Heal and release emotional blocks that are hindering abundance in your life in all areas.
  • Learn how to clear you mind with quick meditation no matter your environment.
  • Re-Connect with your body and adopt the best body care habits.
  • Re-Align your Higher Self and Embody your Divine Essence.
  • Learn how to maintain your High Frequency vibration long-term.

It’s time to operate at your highest frequency and reclaim your passion for yourself and your passion for life. It's time to live the Extraordinary Life you desire and deserve.

Click here for a complimentary Clarity Call with me to discuss your Spiritual Alignment Goals and Aspirations.


Get to know yourself in depth. Who are you? 


Understanding the Mind-Body-Spirit connection.


Learn how to identify your subconscious conditioning paradigms.


Bring the Inside out, and the Outside, In.


Understand the relationship between Spiritual Health, Emotional Health, and Physical Health.


What is your Divine Essence? Learn what it is, how to Embody it, and how to stay in it.

For more info, email: [email protected]

1-on-1 COACHING 

You will get undivided attention in this 6-week coaching program where we will focus on you in our individual meetings to discuss your goals, dreams, areas needing attention, and anything that can get you from where you are, to the abundant and fulfilled life you wish to manifest and enjoy. In our individual coaching sessions, you'll have a safe container where you and your spiritual journey will be valued and cared for with compassion and discretion.

A few days before each session, you’ll get a clarity exercise. This will help your thoughts flow so you can get the answers you need from within. When you come to our meetings, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. 

Let's get you on the path to the conscious, abundant, and fulfilling life you know you were destined to live from the inside, out.

For 1-on-1 Life Coaching, click here


There is nothing like feeling the shared Divine Frequency of a high Vibrational Group. In our group coaching sessions, you'll have a safe place where everyone is working on their own self-love journey with compassion and discretion.

Before each group session, you’ll get a journaling prompt. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to class, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. Most clients find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles, hopes, and dreams, and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

For Group Coaching, email [email protected]



"Thank you for sharing your story.

Your own discovery helped me heal in my own journey too"

X. D. (2024)

“From the moment I joined her program, I felt a sense of encouragement and empowerment. Her high energy and positive attitude were infectious, motivating me to take the first step towards realizing my dream..."


M. B. (Student - March 2023)

Are you ready to elevate to Self-Mastery level ?


Then the Platinum Elite 1-on-1 Coaching Program may be the right option for you. This exclusive training is reserved only for a very few accomplished and committed individuals who are ready to fully embody the power of their Divine Energy.

If you are accepted into the program, you will embark in high level spiritual mastery pathway which will involve deep dives into your inner self so that you can create the space for Divine Energy to flow and flourish. If you are not ready to own your power and manifest the reality you desire, then this program is not for you. 

We'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls so the light within can shine through. Once you've gotten to know, honor, and love who you are on the inside, we'll teach you how to nurture, grow, and protect your Divine Energy as you go through your daily life.

To apply, email [email protected]


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right program for you:



For an individualized Spiritual 1-on-1 Coaching experience, we are pleased to offer our Life-Coaching Program modified and tailored to address your Spiritual Growth aspirations and your Higher Self Alignment goals, by following the framework of the Higher Frequency Activation Masterclass. 

Please email us at [email protected] to discuss your individualized Spiritual Masterclass Coaching.


Click here for info on our regular 1-on-1 Life-Coaching Program



or 3 Consecutive payments of $339

  • Access to 1 new module every 15 days
  • Access to Bi-weekly live coaching and course module overview
  • Access to bonus content
  • Printable course material
  • Membership to the Divine Energy Re-Activation community 


Email: [email protected] for more info.



Must apply and be accepted first.

  • Access to 1 new module every 15 days
  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 coaching calls
  • Access to Bi-weekly live coaching and course module overview
  • Access to bonus coaching calls and exclusive bonus content
  • Printable course material
  • Membership to the Divine Energy Re-Activation community 
Email: [email protected] for more info.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Masterclass and can provide proof of completed work, let us know within the first 15-days for a full refund per the terms outlined in our coaching agreement.