For questions and inquiries, please email: [email protected]

(Scroll down for more info, to join our writing community,  and for a free book-writing consultation opportunity.)

We are happy to offer 1-ON-1 Individual Book-Writing Coaching and/or Group Book-Writing coaching for aspiring authors and/or authors who wish to improve their skills.

Our coaching includes the following topics below, which are all COVERED in our 8-STEP BOOK-WRITING COURSE:


*Identifying a specific book topic for your book.

*Creating a book outline for your book.

*Creating book writing schedules.

*Writing Goal Setting and Implementing.

*Managing Writer's Block.

*Learning the techniques for translating real life experiences into impactful stories.

*Understanding the critical steps of the manuscript-to-publishing process.


We also offer Custom Workshops for specific topics based on your needs and/or those of your writing group or club.


I can’t wait to connect and assist you in sharing your story and writing your book! 

Click here for a free 1-on-1 call with me to discuss your book goals and options
How do you pitch your book idea to Publishers and Agents? Click here to download our free e-book.

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